What is Artificial Intelligence and What is It Used For?

What is Artificial Intelligence and What is It Used For?. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century. From its conceptualization to its current implementation, AI has evolved from a science fiction idea to a reality influencing multiple aspects of our daily lives.

What is Artificial Intelligence and What is It Used For?

  1. What is Artificial Intelligence and What is It Used For?
    1. How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?
    2. Types of Artificial Intelligence
    3. Applications of Artificial Intelligence
    4. Impact of AI on Different Sectors
    5. Challenges and Issues of Artificial Intelligence
    6. Mitigating Negative Impacts
    7. Artificial Intelligence in Spain
    8. National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

What is Artificial Intelligence and What is It Used For?

We will delve into a thorough examination of what artificial intelligence is, how it operates, the various types it encompasses, its applications, and the obstacles it faces in widespread development and implementation.

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Definition of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the capability of a machine or system to emulate and perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, decision-making, and perception. AI relies on advanced algorithms and mathematical models that enable machines to process large amounts of data, identify patterns, and make informed decisions.

Concept and Origins

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy during the Dartmouth Conference, a historic event that brought together some of the best scientists of the time to discuss the possibility of creating machines that could think like humans. Although the concept of AI dates back several decades, this event marked the formal beginning of the field.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?

AI functions using advanced algorithms and machine learning models that allow machines to analyze data, learn from it, and make decisions. These systems can operate in both physical and digital realms, perceiving their environment, reasoning about information, and acting to meet predefined objectives.

Machine Learning and Data Processing

Machine learning is a sub-discipline of AI that focuses on developing algorithms that allow machines to learn from data without being explicitly programmed for each specific task. This process includes several stages, such as data acquisition, pattern analysis, and continuous improvement through feedback.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

There are various classifications of AI depending on its capability and purpose. Below are the main types according to the European Commission and other experts in the field.

Classification According to the European Commission

  1. AI Software: Includes virtual assistants, image analysis software, search engines, and voice and facial recognition systems.
  2. Integrated AI: Refers to technologies such as robots, drones, autonomous vehicles, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Classification According to Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig

  1. Systems that Think Like Humans: Focus on replicating human thought processes in problem-solving.
  2. Systems that Act Like Humans: Aim to replicate human behavior.
  3. Systems that Think Rationally: Focus on logical and precise decision-making.
  4. Systems that Act Rationally: Prioritize optimal action based on available information.

AI by Potency

  1. Narrow AI: Designed for specific tasks such as voice recognition or language translation.
  2. General AI: Capable of performing multiple tasks and learning autonomously.
  3. Superintelligent AI: A theoretical form of AI that would surpass human intelligence in all aspects.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

AI has been integrated into a wide range of applications, many of which are part of our daily lives. Below are some prominent examples.

Online Shopping and Advertising

AI is used to create personalized recommendations on e-commerce platforms, optimize inventories, and improve logistics. Additionally, digital advertising algorithms rely on AI to segment audiences and maximize the impact of campaigns.

Search Engines

Search engines like Google use AI to analyze and classify vast amounts of data, offering more relevant search results to users.

Virtual Assistants

Assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant employ AI to understand and respond to voice commands, perform tasks, and provide real-time information.

Automated Translation

Automated translation systems, such as Google Translate, have significantly improved thanks to AI, providing more accurate and coherent translations in both text and speech.

Autonomous Vehicles

Although fully autonomous cars are not yet widespread, AI is already present in advanced safety functions such as automatic braking and obstacle detection.

Impact of AI on Different Sectors

The influence of AI extends beyond the applications mentioned above. Below, we explore how AI is transforming key sectors such as healthcare, transportation, industry, and agriculture.


In the healthcare field, AI is used to analyze large volumes of medical data, enabling more accurate diagnoses and the development of new treatments. An example is the KConnect system, which helps find the most relevant medical information in multiple languages.


AI is improving the safety and efficiency of railway and road transport by minimizing friction and optimizing autonomous driving.


Automation in smart factories is driven by AI, optimizing production processes and maintenance, and improving operational efficiency.


AI enables more sustainable agriculture by optimizing resource use, reducing the need for pesticides and herbicides, and improving productivity. Agricultural robots are already helping with tasks such as weed removal.

Challenges and Issues of Artificial Intelligence

Despite its numerous benefits, AI also presents significant challenges, both technical and ethical. Here are some of the most relevant issues.

Bias in Algorithms

One of the major challenges of AI is the potential for bias in algorithms, which can lead to unfair or incorrect decisions if the training data is not representative.


There is concern that AI could be used for harmful purposes, such as cyber warfare or manipulating public opinion through fake news.

Job Displacement

AI-driven automation has the potential to replace workers in various sectors, which could negatively impact employment and the economy.

Ethical Concerns

AI raises important ethical questions related to privacy, security, and responsibility. It is crucial to develop policies that protect user rights and ensure the ethical use of technology.

Mitigating Negative Impacts

To mitigate the negative impacts of AI, it is essential to adopt a proactive and responsible approach to its development and implementation. Some measures include:

  1. Promoting Transparency: Ensuring that AI decision-making processes are clear and understandable to users.
  2. Developing Protection Policies: Establishing regulations to safeguard privacy and user rights.
  3. Investing in Training: Training professionals in the design, implementation, and management of AI systems.

Artificial Intelligence in Spain

In Spain, the use of AI is growing, with 11.8% of companies with more than ten employees adopting the technology, according to the National Observatory of Technology and Society (ONTSI). These companies primarily use AI for workflow automation, image-based person or object identification, and converting spoken language into text.

National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

The Spanish government has launched the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy as part of the Spain Digital Agenda 2026, aiming to position the country as a leader in this technology. The strategy expects public-private cooperation to mobilize significant investment for AI development in various sectors.

Artificial Intelligence is a technology with incredible potential to transform our lives and the global economy. While it presents challenges, responsible and ethical development can lead to significant benefits across numerous fields. Spain, with its National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, is on track to become a key player in this realm, driving innovation and economic growth through AI.

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